About Us

The Concept:
The concept of KimonoKimono grew out of an extensive exhibition of the same name, held back in 2010, it displayed more than 300 kimono, which was part of the private collection amassed over 40 years by Phil Porter the owner. It was a massive undertaking which proved to be overwhelmingly successful. The enthusiasm and appreciation of traditional Japanese textiles sparked the idea that this could be developed into something quite unique and special. People could see the kimono not just as a garment, but also as a piece of art in itself. It was not just one persons obsession, but could be readily appreciated by a much wider audience. And so when the opportunity of suitable premises came along the dream became a reality. KimonoKimono stands as a retail outlet, exhibition space and research source of mainly Japanese textiles spanning the last two hundred years. The themed exhibitions change regularly, so there is always something different to see, and you are welcome to just pop in and browse, there is no obligation to buy, but a great opportunity to learn more about the items on display. From time to time we have special events, including Kimono de Jack outings, as well as run workshops on kimono dressing. We have been involved with short films and photo shoots as well as providing kimono for film and theater productions.
Our Vision:
KimonoKimono - visions of beauty from the Land of the Rising Sun.
KimonoKimono opened for business in September of 2014 and deals in authentic Japanese vintage and antique kimono, obi and dressing accessories, along with a range of hand painted hanging scrolls and objects d'art. It also has a selection of vintage Chinese opera costumes, and headdresses. It is a treasure trove for kimono lovers, textile collectors and interior designers alike. Ranging from traditional indigo and white summer cotton Yukata to sumptuous heavily padded and embroidered silk Uchikaki.
Hand plied and woven Noragi, peasant work wear, to Matsuri ,festival, jackets. The extensive stock comprises of pieces that span the last two hundred years, from the late Edo period to the end of the Showa period. For wearing, or spectacular and stylish display, these exquisite textiles and hand picked objects will amaze and delight you. There is a regularly changing exhibition in the gallery space at the front of the premises along with a further two rooms displaying the range of stock. Feel free to come and browse or shop our small sample of collections online.